New year, new photo

If you’ve been following along here for awhile, you might remember that I started a new music project with some friends last year. I’m happy to say that we’re still having lots of fun with it, and playing out fairly regularly! With a year gone by already, our sound really taking shape, and a festival on our horizon this spring, I decided that I might risk creating a formal band photo for promotional use. We had been using random shots that people were kind enough to take at our shows. These were good, but didn’t give much for the at-a-glance viewer to go on as to what our band was about.

SO, one Sunday afternoon, I set up my makeshift home studio against a blank wall in our little cabin home. When my band mates arrived for rehearsal, I seized what was left of the natural light (along with a couple of bright fill lights) to capture some shots of them using my trusty old Lumix DMC-FZ28. I then turned the camera over to them so that they could grab some shots of me in similar light. I used Photoshop to pull everything together, dropped myself into the best shot of the guys, and added this fantastic background image, purchased from one of my favorite stock sites. This photo will get us through the next few months until we can do something outdoors with a photographer friend later this summer.

Introducing: Local Freight!

010415-Local Freight-WEB

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