eBook ad

Just finished up this full page ad for National Insurance Group. This ad will appear in the eBook supporting an upcoming insurance conference, as well as on some additional printed marketing materials. This is my first project for National Insurance Group, and so I took some time to familiarize myself with the business and their objectives before brainstorming on a concept. I am happy to say that they were very pleased with the result!


Brian Prindle Music

I am happy to announce the launch of Brian Prindle’s website! This is Brian’s first site, and so this project involved first collecting all of the various bits and pieces of content that he wanted to feature; organizing it in the best way to tell his individual story; and then creating three distinct messages within the framework of the site. Brian is a musician for hire, a music instructor, and he is also looking to move into booking/coordinating talent. Behind the scenes projects included excerpting, titling and crediting  video clips from longer reels; building a YouTube channel; sourcing and editing photography; and copywriting. We built this site using an online platform, which enables Brian to log in and keep his News and Upcoming Shows sections up to date. I love designing web sites—this was a fun project! You can see the entire site at http://www.brianprindlemusic.com. Congratulations Brian on the launch of your new site!

Brian Prindle Music Site


The new year brought a personnel change to my band Local Freight. I am happy to report that we have added a fantastic new banjo player, who is also a friend.

Before we announced the change, I needed to address the outdated marketing materials on our website. I quickly patched together a functional band “photo” from four individual shots (new band photo coming soon!), created a new downloadable flyer, and changed a bit of text here and there.

Over the past number of months, my interaction with the site has been simply nipping in and adding show dates and updating the “News” blurb on the home page. This more thorough look through the site reminded me that our “Past Shows” page was not really working. I had crammed some tiny images from a few of our more high-profile early gigs in there, with a blurb for each. This worked well enough early on, but now that the band has been together for two years, we needed a new format. It struck me that adding a blog would be a great way to show a timeline of our shows on the site, with ample room for photographs.

This update took very little time, and serves as a visually interesting band “resume,” as well as reminding us as a band of the good times and good fortune that we have had to be able to play at these inspiring venues!

You can view the entire site at www.localfreightband.com


LF Past Shows Page

Warm Holiday Greetings

We have had no snow as yet this winter, and so when I thought about what I might want to do for our Holiday card this year, I was forced to think beyond my usual snow-covered scene. As it turns out, the answer was literally right in front of me. This year’s card features our trusty Vermont Castings “Resolute” wood stove. Winters would not be nearly as cozy here without this essential piece of equipment. Warmest holiday wishes from us to you and yours!

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New year, new photo

If you’ve been following along here for awhile, you might remember that I started a new music project with some friends last year. I’m happy to say that we’re still having lots of fun with it, and playing out fairly regularly! With a year gone by already, our sound really taking shape, and a festival on our horizon this spring, I decided that I might risk creating a formal band photo for promotional use. We had been using random shots that people were kind enough to take at our shows. These were good, but didn’t give much for the at-a-glance viewer to go on as to what our band was about.

SO, one Sunday afternoon, I set up my makeshift home studio against a blank wall in our little cabin home. When my band mates arrived for rehearsal, I seized what was left of the natural light (along with a couple of bright fill lights) to capture some shots of them using my trusty old Lumix DMC-FZ28. I then turned the camera over to them so that they could grab some shots of me in similar light. I used Photoshop to pull everything together, dropped myself into the best shot of the guys, and added this fantastic background image, purchased from one of my favorite stock sites. This photo will get us through the next few months until we can do something outdoors with a photographer friend later this summer.

Introducing: Local Freight!

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Happy Holidays!

As you may have seen here, we had a few days of perfect ice on the pond last January – and no time was wasted in dusting off skates and getting out there to enjoy it! The light was just beautiful on this particular early morning, and so I grabbed my camera for a quick shot. And then things got busy, and the image languished on my hard drive for almost a year – until last week. I was casting around for the right image for our digital holiday card, and this one was decidedly “it”, after I used Photoshop to make it into “digital art.” Best wishes to all for a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!


Heirloom horses

One of my favorite projects to tackle is a good image restoration. It is so rewarding to bring a photo or a piece of art back to life! This early airbrush rendering was a family heirloom dating back to the beginning of the last century. The “paint distributor” (as the airbrush was known at the time of this piece), was developed in 1878, by Abner Peeler “for the painting of watercolors and other artistic purposes.” Unfortunately, this piece had been painted on a fragile paper, which had succumbed to years of exposure to light and air. The piece was too fragile to remove from the frame for scanning, and so we photographed it and retouched the resulting digital file. This enabled us to return the original to be safely stored away. When retouching was finished, the file was sent out for printing on a fine, acid-free watercolor paper (Rives BFK), ensuring that this favorite family image will last for many years to come!

Horses - Before

Horses - After