Keto Cabin


Two years ago, I cleared out my cabin kitchen and started a new lifestyle and way of eating. I decided to blog about it, as a way to hold myself accountable, and hopefully provide inspiration to those who might come after me. I also looked at it as a way to try my hand at food styling/photography and finally really learn how to use various social media sites to drive traffic to the site.

I am happy to say that the entire project was and continues to be a success! Currently the blog is a mix of my own photography and licensed stock images (for when I just can’t quite manage to get the shot looking the way I would like using my very basic photography setup). Readership comes from many different sources worldwide and followers continue to grow in all channels, even though due to time constraints I have never been able to post more than 3 or 4 times per month.

You can view the site at

Holiday greeting card designs

The holiday season is fast approaching! I have had some great response (and small success!) on Etsy with my fall greeting cards, and so I have added some Christmas, Solstice and Winter-themed designs to my Etsy shop. Normally, I would wait until after Thanksgiving to present these designs, but it takes a little over a week to get custom cards made and shipped using Vistaprint, Moo, Cafe Press, Target, Staples, Walgreens, CVS, Shutterfly, Snapfish, etc. (though I believe turnaround is quicker if you use an in-store service). Images are licensed for personal use, which means that they can be used for any non-commercial project. Upon purchase, each design is provided in high-resolution RGB format (for online use), and CMYK format (for traditional printing). If you would like to license any of these designs for commercial use, feel free to drop me a line. You can see more images in my shop:

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