Be Heard!


The continuation of our mission at iPayMyWay to provide great apps for nonprofits has resulted in this spinoff of the $hare app, created as a companion to the “March For Our Lives” events to be held worldwide on March 24th.

The Be Heard! app is your guide and resource for rally and march events, like the March For Our Lives marches happening in your area on March 24, 2018. Choose your local event page to get automatic updates about logistics, speakers, changes, transportation etc as they become available.

The app also helps you to further your cause, with information on organizations, how to volunteer, petitions, and where to contact your congresspeople.

My role has expanded with this launch to include: providing visual content for use within the app and in the app stores, building the website, providing social media consulting, and creating visual and written content for various social media platforms.

To download the app or for more information, visit

Keto Cabin


Two years ago, I cleared out my cabin kitchen and started a new lifestyle and way of eating. I decided to blog about it, as a way to hold myself accountable, and hopefully provide inspiration to those who might come after me. I also looked at it as a way to try my hand at food styling/photography and finally really learn how to use various social media sites to drive traffic to the site.

I am happy to say that the entire project was and continues to be a success! Currently the blog is a mix of my own photography and licensed stock images (for when I just can’t quite manage to get the shot looking the way I would like using my very basic photography setup). Readership comes from many different sources worldwide and followers continue to grow in all channels, even though due to time constraints I have never been able to post more than 3 or 4 times per month.

You can view the site at

Get Share Website


The dedicated website for Share Mobile Payments. The corporate site is focused more on the idea of mobile charitable giving and featuring partner nonprofit organizations. This site is specifically dedicated to the app, as a landing space for those looking for more information.

You can see the entire site at:

Share logo


I have jumped on the startup wagon this spring! Helping the fine folks who created the new Share Mobile Payments app with some marketing ideas and assets to get them started. Excited to be included on this talented team, working for a good cause: facilitating mobile charitable donations! My first project was the product logo, of course!

You can download the Share Mobile Payments App here:AppStoreGooglePlay

Gray’s Carpet Center

I love designing websites, and this newly launched site for Gray’s Carpet Center was no exception! The fine folks at Gray’s were looking for a complete redesign of their previous site to bring it up to date with expanded form, function, and a separate mobile design for easy viewing on small screens. The resulting site not only provides a wealth of easy to find information about their business, it also gives their customers the tools that they need for inspiration and decision making, using the wealth of content provided by Gray’s various dealers and suppliers. I built this site using an online platform, and provided step-by-step training, which allows them to log in and add photos of their completed installations to an online gallery. You can see the entire site at


Brian Prindle Music

I am happy to announce the launch of Brian Prindle’s website! This is Brian’s first site, and so this project involved first collecting all of the various bits and pieces of content that he wanted to feature; organizing it in the best way to tell his individual story; and then creating three distinct messages within the framework of the site. Brian is a musician for hire, a music instructor, and he is also looking to move into booking/coordinating talent. Behind the scenes projects included excerpting, titling and crediting  video clips from longer reels; building a YouTube channel; sourcing and editing photography; and copywriting. We built this site using an online platform, which enables Brian to log in and keep his News and Upcoming Shows sections up to date. I love designing web sites—this was a fun project! You can see the entire site at Congratulations Brian on the launch of your new site!

Brian Prindle Music Site